Endless Possibilities

Endless Possibilities - Kate Stewart

“Kate Stewart. Divorcee, mother of two, keen gardener, outstanding bridge player. Also chief scientific officer, Unified Intelligence Taskforce - who currently have you surrounded.”
Like many, I was extremely bewildered when Kate Stewart (along with the doctor) was blown out of Boat One after Missy went 'Bananas' and started accompanying people to their (on the most part) apparent demise. However I, along with many other Whovians, became extremely joyous when it was revealed that Sir. Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (brought back to life as Cyber-Brig) fought the Cyber-Conversion in true U.N.I.T style and ended up rescuing his daughter, ready for her to become the doctor's next companion... or maybe something else? Join me as I ponder over a few possibilities for the character of Kate Stewart and what we might see of her in future series of Doctor Who.

  A Potential Future Companion?

As Clara's time as the beloved companion comes to an end (now even more evident after the reveal of DWM 482's cover page), the speculation of 'who will it be next?' will no doubt start sooner rather than later. This type of speculation is a Whovian's idea of heaven as it allows us to put across any weird or wacky ideas that we have stumbled upon or thought of. Although, however fun this type of speculation (or any type of speculation) can be, I stand firmly in my belief that, at this very moment in time (when no names have been mentioned), Kate Stewart is the most likely companion of 2015 or (if Clara stays for series 9) 2016 and beyond. Kate has proved that she can be very companion-like in recent episodes like in 'The Day Of The Doctor' and 'Death In Heaven' and I believe that she could prove great company to the doctor as even a rival for his own intelligence! I think this Doctor-Companion relationship could work in multiple ways and is definitely an idea that Moffat should ponder upon (no pun intended, honestly)!
"I see into your soul, Moffat. I see Beauty, Divinity, HATRED!"

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