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Who Is Missy? Speculation and Theories.

Ever since the 23rd of August (over 65 days ago), when we were treated to our first view of Missy onscreen, there have been masses and masses of speculation, conspiracy theories and comments on who Missy could be. Some say she is the Master, others the Rani and some a Clara splinter gone wrong. Today I am going to be picking out some of my favourite 'Missy Theories', some of which are my own invention and some that are not. Right then, Allons-y.


The Master?

A Theory that has arisen frequently throughout the Doctor Who fandom is that Missy is the Master. Hence the name Missy, which is short for Mistress, the female version of Master. This could also be the BBC's way of trialling how a time lord to time lady regeneration would go down amongst the fandom in preparation for a female doctor.

The Rani?

Another Theory that has come about surrounding Missy's Identity is that she is the Rani. However this theory is unlikely due to the fact that Big Finish have just cast another actress to play the Rani in their Doctor Who audiobooks and Steven Moffat, has said in the past, that he finds this Character 'To obscure for the modern day audience.' Though, however unlikely the return of this character is, it would be a lovely little nod in the direction of the recently late Kate O'Mara.

A Clara Splinter?

My Personal Favourite theory that has been brought up recently about Missy and her Identity is that she is in fact Clara or a splinter version like we saw in The Name Of The Doctor driven mad after being forced to leave the doctor and stay put in her role as Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere. I say this because throughout Series 7 Part 2 and Deep Breath there was a running tease of how Clara thinks of The (Eleventh) Doctor as her boyfriend and during the last few scenes of Deep Breath (where we had our first onscreen glimpse of Missy and the Nethersphere) we heard Missy call the Doctor 'Her boyfriend.' Is there a connection here or is this just a(nother) red herring Moffat has thrown into the equation to put us off target completely?

River Song?

Another Theory I am going to speculate on is that Missy is River Song/Melody Pond. However this Theory is the most unlikely of them all due to the fact that River would have had to undertake regeneration to change into Missy and, as we saw in 'Let's Kill Hitler,' River gave up all of her remaining regenerations to save the doctor after poisoning him with the Judas Tree Lipstick. I also feel that, after the events of The Name Of The Doctor, River's story is done and, unless it was done really well, bringing back River would ruin what, for me, was a perfect ending in The Name Of The Doctor.  

A Brand New Character?

As Fantastic as one of the above happening would be, I feel that one of the most likely 'Who is Missy' Theories is the one I am explaining to you right now. My last Theory is that Missy is nothing but Herself! I think this as throughout Moffat's reign over the Whoniverse we have been teased that the Master and The Rani etc. would come back however each time Moffat has introduced us to a brand new Monster with it's own motivations and personality. I think that this is the case here.


I am now going to, out of the Theories I have explained, list them from Most Likely (1) to Least Likely (4).

4th. River Song.

3rd. The Rani.

2nd. The Master.

Joint 1st. A Clara Splinter/A Brand New Character

 Right, Missy, time to find out who you are!

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